Thank you. We went last week for CVS but they couldn't do it so had to wait another week
Same happened with us, went for cvs and they wouldn’t do it!
Hiya Im currently in the same boat and I’m so worried. Can i ask how you got on? xx
@Jade hi Jade, my experience was a very positive outcome, I have a very healthy 6 week old baby boy! The amniocentesis isn’t as bad as the build up for it, please feel free to drop me a message if you have any questions at all xx
@Liv oh that’s lovely to hear!! I had my nipt last Thursday and I’m currently waiting for the results 🤞🏼 xx
@Jade best of luck xx
I have, procedure itself wasn’t bad as the build up and results are usually with you within a week. Best of luck with it, hope all goes well x