NIPT Results

My NIPT results came back and everything came back negative... I asked for them not to put the gender in the results and they didn't. Thank God because I want to wait till I have my baby
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Yeah even if they do when you go to read the results it will ask you again prior to uploading if you want the gender identified.

Oh and also not sure if your provider has a portal, but mine does, don’t look at any of the test results related to labs around that time because unfortunately the gender is listed on those results.

I didn’t want to know mine either but my boyfriend called and shouted that we were having a daughter 😂 I was low key pissed but now I can’t stop window shopping.

@Keisha sameeee i placed a huge order on shein been window shopping since i found out

@Keisha It doesn't ask that when I go to look at the results... I just hope it stays like that, lol, and congrats on having a girl. My first baby is a girl, and OMG, I love my Mini Me 💗. I hope this baby is a boy so I could have the best of both worlds.

@Noelle my SHEIN cart is insane.

@Nicole aww thanks. I hope you have the boy you want. My son is turning 18 next month and I’m due 3/11. I’m starting all over and beyond excited it’s a girl.

Are we all having girls cause my first baby is also a girl lol I haven’t heard a boy one 🤣😂😂

@Keisha they have the cutest thingsss and how do you feel about starting over again

@Noelle I’m nervous but excited. My ex and I were together for 15 years and I never got pregnant. I moved on with my life met someone new. Spent the last year and a half the happiest I’ve ever been and shockingly got pregnant. 4/1 I went to ER and was told I was having an Ectopic, had emergency surgery and had right fallopian tube removed. The day after 4th of July I kept having weird pains near my incision area went back to ER and found out I was pregnant again. So I receive it as a blessing.

@Keisha omg i honestly believe our bodies reject specific persons sperm when it isnt meant to be and that is such a blessing even after your tube was removed! I had an ectopic they are super painful what a little blessing🥹🥹

Yes, and I’m so glad I got out of that relationship. My kids are gonna be 19yrs apart but I have another chance to really experience pregnancy, and I get to enjoy and do things I didn’t do the first time because I was 18. Plus it’s a girl 😊

My test came back inconclusive for my twins because of an abnormal chromosome on my DNA (already knew from my last baby) but the only info I got was they are Fraternal. My mom wants to do a gender reveal for me since this is my last pregnancy (babies number 4 & 5) so I have to tell my doctor at my MFM appointment next week that when they do the ultrasound I don't want to know but I'd like them to write it down and put it in an envelope. I have 3 girls already so I'm REALLY hoping for atleast one boy lol

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