
Anyone else still not got many symptoms? I’m 6 weeks and have very slight nausea a couple of times a day but other than that nothing.
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I'm nearly 8 weeks and feel the same, slight nausea and so tired but that's it

Same nausea comes and goes, insomnia, pulling sensation and mild cramps not many

Hiya! Yes my symptoms come and go, slightly sore boobs, some cramping and only nausea when I’m hungry and waking up throughout the night which is making me tired. Strange Isn’t it, feel lucky that I feel ok but on the other hand, worried as not sure everything’s ok 😭 x

I’m 5.5 weeks and so far just had very slight sore boobs, need to wee all the time and cramping. The cramping worries me the most 🙈 but this is my first pregnancy so I’m just overthinking everything

@Alice I’m the exact same x

I’m 6 weeks too, my boobs have been killing from the very start 😅 I was quite worried because they seemed to be my only symptom but now the nausea and lack of appetite has hit me like a truck! X

I’m nearly 6 weeks. I have sore boobs, odd bits of nausea, feeling so tired. My symptoms do come and go. I’m overthinking but I have had a previous miscarriage. I think we are all in the same boat 🤍

I have the same, I have really bad constipation (🤢) but the nausea comes and goes. Does anyone else panic when you have a good couple of days / no nausea?

@Olivia im exactly the same! I’m always prodding my boobs to make sure they still hurt 😂

You’ve all given me a bit more confidence, thank you! @Olivia yes, so much panic when I feel ok! @Katie I also had a previous miscarriage so I know how you feel

@Alice I’m the exact same , I’m 5+5 I’m just overthinking things because it’s my first pregnancy and I have no symptoms at all

I’m 6 weeks just have slightly sore boobs. I had UTI last week, GP prescribed me antibiotics and its better

I’m the same. 6+4 days and other than sore boobs and mild cramping I don’t have any symptoms. Not even nausea. I also today had a tiny bit of brownish discharge, has anyone else had this? 🥹 xx

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