I had the exact same thing happen this week at my 34/35 weeks appt. Super high BP and monitored the hospital for 24 hours. Back home and numbers seem better but have an induction date set for 37 weeks :/ Have your BP numbers improved and did it affect whether they move your induction date out??
@kristen my numbers have been great, until today it was high, but not high enough for the dr to be worried. They let me go home. They’re allowing me to have my c-section at 37 and 4 days since they’ve stayed in the normal range.
I just took myself to the ER today for these exact reasons.. luckily no hypertension which is what I was concerned about because I was induced for it with my first. Apparently my hemoglobin is low and I just need some iron but honestly I wish they would do all of those tests for me too. Basically just told me normal pregnancy things at this point and to take supplements and sent me home 🥲