You can always message me. I feel your funk. Plus I'm older and wiser (43) lol
Also i know Cymbalta is very hard to get off of. I did it like 6 yrs ago and it wasn't fun. But there is always a bright side. I'm good at that if you need reminders❤️ On the bright side you aren't 43 lol and you are asking for advice/help.
Try & do something you enjoy. Try & go for a walk, even just down the road & back. Something is better than nothing. Short term, eating peas or chocolate can help release endorphins, or playing a computer game, but don't get into unhealthy habits as that will make it worse long term.
Try and do things that make you feel good even if you don't feel like it. Try and get ready every day, wear clothes you love (I know this can be tricky when pregnant) also I found a gratitude journal can help! Try and remember it's temporary and more than likely hormones as well as detox from the meds. Wishing you all the best. x
I wish I could tell you how to get out of the funk. Sometimes it is the simple things walks, nature, comedies, being around family and friends. If you like sports watch a game, cheer and yell at the tv. I still struggle. But I did get off antidepressants using macaharmony. Check with your midwife.