The reflux is awful! I try to coax baby to move down by putting some light pressure on the fundus. Sometimes it helps. Otherwise I just try to get through it 🥲
I’m getting this a lot at night, along with severe heartburn. Woke up choking on stomach acid twice. Not fun! I use Whole Foods Anti Acids which are pretty good and one of the more natural brands!
@Hunter @Jasmine @Lili thank for writing back ladies & sharing your experiences. I get acid reflex too & drink almond milk & have Alka-Seltzers I take sometimes for heart burn . I’m just trying to get through it also
31w+5d and Tums are my best friend 😭 the reflux is real and I've definitely also woken up from bile too.
Just take tums and Pepcid- no need to suffer. I use the natural times to lessen food dye exposure
@Samantha yes tums are great @Lauren thanks
Hey I’m dealing with it as I type this. Im about on the same timeline as you. The reflux is real. I drink milk to calm it, its the only thing that helps me.