I combine feed my lo, I give her both breast and formula , sometime I’ll give her oz of formula and then she’ll nurse 20 mins each side other times I give her a full bottle of formula and no breast… my lo is on cow and gate and was having reflux and colic so I changed to the cow and gate comfort and she seems a lot better on it x
@Amelie thanks!
Not sure abput reflux but If your still wanting to mainly breastfeed and your concern is that he's not getting enough ..try formula 1 or 2 times a day to start off with after a main normal breastfeed that way your not replacing a feed just giving a bit extra ...also for latching nipple Sheilds worked wonders for me ...only used them for a couple of weeks and no problems with latching since..xx
I always few ounces of formula into my breastmilk as I exclusively pumped 19 weeks andx
@Tuesday yeah I still want to mainly breastfeed but at times I feel baby needs more, and sometimes I feel I need less (less of him latching on me for ages, mainly for getting some sort of physical exercise done as my back is getting really bad and some me time too tbh)
Me time be good have shower lil walk dad fed the bottle u good u both wish breastfed for longer I had c section did 19 weeks x
@Marta I feel you ....I've just had a quick look to see how old baby is and says 2 months....without assuming when my little boy was around this age it really did feel like I was non stop feeding he was cluster feeding a lot like a boss and didn't seem like he was getting much (when I added a bit of formula after ) but now my milk works on more of a supply and demand basis and he's on every few hrs for a quick 15 /20 minutes which suits me just fine ...Still has a bottle before bed though after a breastfeed just because he sleeps better with it so in my opponion ...if ya stay the course it gets better ....but ye its about finding what's right for you both ....honestly try nipple shields for latching ....not sure if you know what they are just I thought they were things to put on so ya nipples didn't rub ya clothes 🤣 but ye they are shaped like a teet a barrier between your nipple and babys mouth xx
@Tuesday turning 3 months next week! Do you give expressed bottle or formula at bedtime? Nipples are not as painful as they were already, but baby is still wanting to feed very often and not so quickly
@Marta I give formula at night after breastfeed i make 5 ounce and sometimes he will take the full bottle sometimes only a couple of ounce ....im not sure how much truth there is to it but my little one is under peadiatrition for weight because he dropped a bit too mich at first bur fine now that's why I know a bit about feeding and he said If they are on for 5 minutes then they are snacking on for an hr then they are not getting enough and average time your wanting is about 15/20 minutes but then also surely it comes down to the baby aswell xx
@Tuesday thank you! Mine is following is percentile and they are not worried! We’ve been to a private paediatric just to have a general check but I’m not to happy with his suggestion of “10 minutes for breast”, sounds a bit passed! Going for a tongue tie on Monday as it was suggested it could be the reason for the long feedings!
Also, he has reflux and thinking of a Formula AR, any suggestions are very welcome