She can't have been a very good health visitor if all she does is judge you and freak you out. They're meant to be a support resource, not whatever she's doing. If I were you, I would start talking about my health visitor visits in a positive way ("I had a really positive experience when HV talked to me about this" or to be more direct "I didn't think health visitors were meant to tut or judge new mums, strange"). She sounds so annoying.
She was a health visitor 10 years ago. Unless she kept studying she is really out of line and not updated to give any advise or tips. I would be straight with her. "Thanks mil. But as you had no updates for at least 10 years, I m not gonna take any advice from you anymore. If you want our relationship to be good and to be part of our life, I would recommend not to trespass any of our healthy boundaries". She sounds like a nightmare
@D Yeah this is the mad thing. I bet she made some mums totally miserable when she was working. She's the coldest, harshest person. Our actual health visitor was an angel and so this is actually a great idea!
@Emma Thank you so much, that actually made me tear up a little bit. That's very kind x
@Aurélie Yes exactly! So much of her knowledge is wayyyy out of date. I Love your name BTW
Thank you. I love yours too @incognito 😝😊
Just stop visiting and when she asks why message and say that each visit felt like an assessment or a test that she believed you were failing which wasn’t enjoyable so you have decided to take a step back for now as you don’t need this negativity around you and baby. Then tell her that if she wants to start acting like a grandmother rather than an ex HV you will consider allowing her a visit. You could also add (for good measure) that you already received HV visits from a very supportive person who believes you are doing a fantastic job as a new mother so not sure why she feels the need to put you down. X
Oh my lovely you’re not overreacting at all if she can’t separate her past professional life and accept her new transition of nanny/grandma then you and your husband definitely need to have a word. And I’m just gonna say congratulations on pumping because that’s a full-time job in of itself let alone all the sterilising and then feeding baby. I sometimes only managed to pump once a day and that’s enough for me, you are superwoman.