I asked if there was a chance of him moving back out and she said ‘no he’s locked in there’ It’s got me super anxious/excited … I’m off a hike 😂
That’s misinformation as there’s always a chance unfortunately. My firstborn was fully deeply engaged and then was breech at my next appointment! Not sure why she said that x
Your firstborn a wee gymnast as that’s extremely rare post 38 weeks for that to happen x
Yes midwives I spoke to (multiple from different trust and outside of UK) all said it is very unlikely for engaged baby to disengage. Happens but very rare X
Impossible to say. Some midwife class that as fully engaged, some midwifes may class that as 3/5ths. It could be anything! But I wouldn’t stress too much about engagement as babies can pop in and out of the pelvis at any time, or settle into the pelvis and stay there for weeks before labour