With my first I was a day before my due date
My first was born at 41 weeks exactly at home😊
My son was born at 38+2. My mum had her first baby at 38 weeks and my aunt had her first at 37 weeks. It’s definitely not impossible to not be overdue with a first baby x
First was on due date, this one it's my due date today and no signs of her... 😮💨
My first came 41+5 days naturally. Waters broke then my son was born within 24 hours.
My first daughter came on her due date exactly 40 weeks! ❤️
My first was 10days late xx
Nope had my first as a water birth at 38+5. Completely spontaneous.
With my daughter I had her at 42 weeks exactly. My waters went naturally but there was meconium in them so I was then induced as I didn't have any contractions at that time and they needed her out. I don't know if there is anything you can do to speed up the process, outside of interventions x