Yea I have been drinking the raspberry tea
@Juliana Sacardo they didn’t offer me an induction
Eating date and exercising and having sex? Those are good things too
Try the miles circuit. Look it up
This was me! I honestly just tried to focus on every moment and how amazing it is to be pregnant. I was sore all over, could hardly walk, contractions on and off for weeks. I was also sleeping like shit. If you can, add a nap in each day. Even an extra 30 mins did wonders for me and my mood at that stage. I was overdue with my first (induced) but went into labor at 39+1 with my second so you never know when baby will come! Take photos of ur belly, get a pedicure, get your hair washed and blow dryed (soooo nice giving birth with clean hair!) - what ever you can to relax and enjoy your last days
I’ve been feeling the same and have gone into bouts of crying from it. I finally got into mediation again the other day and keep telling myself to think of when we first found out and how long ago that was. There’s an amazing app called balance that has a ton of different meditation techniques to it. It really helped. We’re so close mama!! Hang in there ❤️
I’m 38 weeks today. Nice warm bath with epsom salts (sadly 20 min max, so you don’t cook baby) has been amazing for me. I fill it as high as I can so I can flip over on my belly, up on my elbows and let my belly hang in the water. It has reallllllly helped with the round ligament pain and the lightening crotch (which I’ve had really bad since 2nd trimester). Also, this may be unpopular, but my doulas also told me to have a small glass of wine every now and then during this last month, which has felt like a really nice treat. If you’re having sore or restless legs, Theraworx spray works WONDERS. Good luck! You won’t be pregnant forever! You got this!
@Jessica thank you sooo much
Did they offer your induction? I think you should start trying to induce it naturally at home so many things you can do