I went on the pill after as well, it's the only form of birth control that doesn't mess me up
No issues going back on the pill and no scares between babies x
I would’ve but the fact it’s a type 1 carcinogen put me off lol
@Meg Absolutely! Not only that but long terms it causes many issues. Some more evident than others. Coming from personal experience of using the pill for 10+ years.
@Rina what are some long term issues you have come across from using the pill for more then 10 years?
A ton of gut issues and hormonal imbalances once I officially came off of it. I’m still trying to recover from it and it’s barely been 7 months. Not talking down on it because there’s a time and place for it but there are long term effects from it you don’t realize or notice initially being on it.
I went on the pill 6 weeks PP and have had no issues :)