Does sound very similar. I hope your appointment goes well today. I’ve got the bf clinic on Monday, which I hope I can hold out to. I’ve pumped some milk but it’s not a lot either and daddy feeds her occasionally from the bottle x
It is really tough and mentally demanding to exclusively breastfeed. I couldn’t do it for more than 3 weeks. Moving to combi feeding saved my BF journey because I was mentally in a bad place but now I really enjoy BF. You need to do what’s right for yourself. I started by introducing one or two bottles of formula a day and it wasn’t really helping me (baby loved it) but for me I had to completely switch to 12 hours formula and 12hrs BF. Which isn’t advised due to mastitis but I just hand express to avoid this. I panicked because it does take some time for their bodies and systems to adapt to that and I started thinking there’s something wrong or I need to change formulas but just stick with it. They will be more gassy, they won’t poo as often as EBF babies do, the colour and texture might change of their poo, they may spit up a bit more than you used to or be sick sometimes at first but they say the transition can take 2 weeks for them to fully get used to digesting and processing
But seriously look after yourself to look after ur baby. Thats the truest thing I learned “happy mama happy baby”. They’re not missing out on anything by being on formula and u haven’t failed or etc etc so don’t feel guilty or anything. Your HV should support you and advise on quantity etc
You could always try pumping so that you’re still giving your bubba breast milk?
I’m in the same position as you except my daughter isn’t really gaining weight. I’ve been advised to pump to top her up/increase my supply but even with a hospital grade pump, in only getting about 10ml per session. We’ve introduced a bottle of SMA right before bed as this is when she was the fussiest and my supply the lowest. I have an appointment with the feeding team today so going to see what they suggest 🥵 We already had her tongue tie revised when she was two weeks but it needs doing some more and we don’t have an appointment until 6th Nov.