A trace of protein isn’t that much. My midwife said to me it could of been discharged in the urine etc. if your midwife wasn’t concerned then it’s okay x
I had thrush and didn't know. Which caused protein in urine. Might be worth getting them to do a swab.
I’ve had protein in my urine a few times during pregnancy and nothings ever come about it. They just say they’ll send off for tests and nothing ever comes back concerning x
I had protein in my urine, I also had pre-eclampsia, I don't know if they're related?x
I had protein in my urine but literally they did nothing about it. Only later on did I realise it's because I had thrush
@Leigh they can be related as it’s something the look for when diagnosing pre eclampsia but they also check for other things to confirm it like blood pressure x
I randomly had two samples with protein and nothing ever came of it. I wouldn’t worry about it for now.