11DPO - I felt implantation cramps 8DPO and I had dream I had twin girls. Next morning I woke up just feeling off. So I decided to test early (which I don’t usually do) got a clear positive. Think everyone is different.
But it depends when you implant after the egg is fertilised as it can be between 6-12 dpo, which once implantation had occurred is when you will get the positive
@Jen were you tracking ovulation when you were 7 DPO?
@keirstyn yes I was tracking my ovulation, that's how I knew I was 7dpo, as I have pcos and very irregular periods so I had to track to be able to concieve x
I had an absolute squinter at 8dpo, a vvvfl at 9dpo and a definite line at 10dpo x
14 and 15 DPO!