Yes especially if I wait to long to eat or something funky hits my nose - I still puke every so often I’m almost 19 weeks
Nausea can be normal still. Cyclical vomiting at 17 weeks is when I got diagnosed with Hyperemesis gravidarum and got put on a 24/7 zofran pump
I have my days ! I still hate eating breakfast!
Yeah! Dry heaved this morning. Although it's not as bad lately as it has been. I just still have little interest in food.
Yes all day 😞
I’m 18 weeks I still get nauseous here and there! 😕 it’s not as bad though
I’ll be 19 weeks tomorrow, I didn’t experience morning sickness or nausea at all until the second trimester. I still haven’t thrown up yet (thank God) but I definitely can’t go a day without my Zofran
Occasionally having morning gas that is almost just as bad
Oh yeah! It has been not as bad at 19 weeks but still very prevalent! Feel better soon!🤍
Yes 😔. It’s not all day anymore but definitely a few hours a day. Also 17 weeks