I was planning on only using nitrous oxide while in labor, but as soon as I go to 8 cm I told them they needed to give me an epidural. Laughing gas worked until it stopped working (if that makes any sense). I was expecting to have bleeding, but not as much as I currently am. I ended up tearing and it was just all out a traumatic experience. I’m so glad so is here and I’m not doing this again.
Look up birth meditations and listen to birth story podcasts!! They help so much 😊 I really have been enjoying the pop that mumma podcast and her meditations
Planning my second natural birth any day ☺️
Hi! I went fully natural with no pain medication up to 8cm. I started having contractions at 4:30am and it was 10pm by the time I was at 8cm. I was exhausted and couldn’t imagine pushing at that point. I asked for an epidural. I personally am happy with my birth experience! The epidural was heaven sent since I was already at a level of pain I had constant shakes and there was no easing them. I do like that I was strong enough to make it to 8cm because the epidural was just enough to remove the pain but leave me with feeling of contractions so I knew when to push. I got the epidural at 10:30ish pm, had my water broken shortly after, and with 8 pushes my baby was born at 11:09pm. No tears! I am two days postpartum and already barely bleeding and feeling great. 😊 Hoped this helped!
Hey! I went thru natural until 8cm no pain meds and interventions. I was trying to go all the way but my body was not cooperating well and made my son's stats drop. I was given an epidural because of that. I enjoyed the fact I was able to feel most of the contractions before the epidural so I knew the urges to push I got my water broken because it wouldn't break and I labored for about an hour and that was all. I tore a bit due to his head getting stuck but I wouldn't change anything. My son is a blessing but not sure if I want to go thru another birth for a long while.
Hi I just gave birth naturally at home on 10/10. Talk about something that completely rips you open and puts you back together again! No lie, it was grueling and hard but it was SO worth it. When your mind thinks you can’t keep going your body says yes you can. Something that helped a ton through the contractions was having someone apply pressure to my lower back it eased them like crazy! Find the labor positions that are the most comfortable for you!
Thank you all for sharing your stories :) very helpful
I did all natural with both births. First was 40 hours and almost caved, because of exhaustion. Ended up with episiotomy and so had pain relief there with the lidocaine for the cut, but was able to give birth then naturally. 2nd one was a lot quicker, dealt with contractions by breathing and moving on the birth ball. By the time I got to the hospital I was 9cm and almost gave birth as they were wheeling me to L&D so too late for any pain relief and she was here 20 minutes later. Did Lamaze and Hypnobirthing for 1st labour, less so for 2nd.
Not a first time mom but I’ve had three natural births. I was so excited to go into labor and give birth naturally because I felt like I was robbed of the experience my first time. I had a un necessary c section and didn’t experience labor. I already had in my mind that an epidural wasn’t an option (bad experience the first time)