If you send me a message I can send a couple photos I took in delivery room or if you just want more info xx
I never had a tour of the ward. Didn’t even know where I was meant to go when it was time, triage had to tell me on the phone 😂 there’s not a lot to it tbh. You give birth downstairs in the delivery suits then your moved upstairs to the ward ☺️ x
I was told where to go on the day of my induction. Drayton ward. If you meet a lovely midwife called Emma on your travels, get aquatinted, she is just amazing. But honestly you probably won’t get a tour, I certainly didn’t and I’m sure no one else has. But rest assured it’s all lovely 😊 xx
Drayton ward is for induction and after birth and it's on the second floor it's really nice and labor and delivery is where triage is xx