Baby wind is the worst😖😖 I think no matter what we do, it’s a development stage they all go through too I think. My little boy was the same when he was a baby. I was combo feeding too and my little girl was just so uncomfortable and agitated but still drank reasonably well. Could be the lactose free milk and the breast milk combo. Can I ask why lactose free? Is there an allergy? I was always told back when I had my first from my amazing HV 1. Are they having plenty wet and dirty nappies. 2. Can you settle them fairly easily. 3. Are they still feeding. I had bad anxiety with my first so I feel for you. If your concerned speak to your hv or gp. You know your baby best. Xx
Also do some bicycle legs to get the wind moving and laying him tummy down on your chest will help break up the wind. Was bath helps too❤️
The I love you massage and tummy time helps my baby get out trapped wind. I'm remembering doing a lot of gripe water and Frida windis at that age though. Those were the only things that helped.
The only thing I can think of it that where you have been using lactose free, it may take him a bit to get used to the breast milk. Keep putting him to the boob when hungry to get used to it or if struggling to pass wind I would gently move his legs in like a cycling motion, keep going mama you’re doing amazing it’s never easy to feed 🩷 Your body will start to produce more milk the more you express/feed from boob. If one isn’t giving him enough pop him on the other the body will start to produce more in time! Milk supply via section is never on time to begin with xxxx