98th 💀😂
Ranges from 80-95th but her head is only on the 30s generally. She just has a head that's growing with her body rather than a bigger head she has to grow into
At my boys 18 month appointment he was 15th percentile for weight and height. His dad and I are both 5’7 with good metabolism so his doctor said he’s not worried and he’s portionate so it’s fine lol
100th. Hes very long.
99th….my back is broken and he still loves to chest sleep with me 😂
like 15th
15-20th. I have petite babies and they stay petite toddlers. But they grow up taller than me 💀😵💫😂 both my teen girls are taller than me and I’m assuming my boy will be too.
25th for weight and 75th for length. He's a tall skinny boy 🤣
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Trusted by 5M+ women
My first is in the 88th percentile and my 2nd is in the 100th percentile💀
My preemie baby has always been in the 99th percentile for height and her sister is following right along 🥲 their dad is almost 6’5” and they got the tall genes haha
Mine were both small babies, 9th centile or below
Under one he was the 9th he just crept up to the 25th and now at 2 he's between 25th and 50th
The babies in my family are usually pretty large. My baby was around the 98th percentile last time she was weighed. We are small people who have a large start to life! 🤣
97th percentile for height, weight and head is 75th.
98th percentile height, 20th percentile weight. Very long baby.
My baby’s always been in the 0th percentile and completely healthy! At her 18 month checkup, her doctor called her “disgustingly healthy.” As long as baby is growing and their charts are consistent, no need to worry.