@Lauren Hi Lauren, thanks for your reply. He has CMPA so can't have full fat milk, but we have tried oat milk (he won't drink it). For breakfast we usually offer porridge and/or a homemade pancake and fruit. We then eat lunch/dinner with him. He used to eat a fair but of each, but the last few weeks he just isn't eating anything really. He then has his bottles before each nap.
I'm kind of in the same boat as my lb has cmpa and can't have real milk, I've been trying with koko 1-3years milk as he was drinking the normal koko here and there he's now down to 2 bottles of formula one before bed one when he wakes up, but I make 8oz he drinks what he wants sometimes he'll drink the whole thing other times like tonight he drank 3 ounces and sparko. I was told he'll drop them when he feels he doesn't need them I've always gone by him not what anyone else says or is doing.
I’m in the same boat too with CMPA baby. He really doesn’t seem to take to water either and doesn’t like drinking out of any bottle other than his MAM just to further complicate it 🫠. I’ve put 2oz of Koko in his 7oz formula tonight and he doesn’t seem to of noticed so may try gradually increasing the ratio x
Have you tried switching to full fat milk? What else is he eating? Mine has 8 oz full fat milk when he wakes up, then an hour or so later, he will have porridge/oats, then a snack before his nap. All the while offering some kind of juice/ water in between. When he wakes up, he has lunch and a snack. Dinner at 6.30 with dessert at 7. Bath at 7.30, and he has his last 8 oz bottle of milk for bed.