I used cow and gate with my daughter. We originally put her on SMA but she didn’t take well to it. Cow and gate seems to be the one most people I know used! I’m going to try expressing this time 🤞🏼 x
I breastfed but once I got pregnant my milk dried up so used Kendamil
We used cow and gate with our first alongside breastfeeding. Mainly because that's what they gave us in hospital 🤷♀️ Think it is one of the cheapest but wasn't our reason for getting it. Also formula is very highly regulated in the UK so majority of the ingredients are the same in all different brands.
Kendamil for us
Planning on breastfeeding but I used Kendamil with my son to combi feed then once he was weaned off the boob. Planning on doing the same over time this time too. We tried aptamil at first as ready to feed but he never took to the power.