As soon as you open a digital, it’s invalid. But all clearblue digital should have 2 test lines. Typically when positive there are 3.
@Sophie Nope, just 10dpo. I feel off of all foods like i only do when preggo. Hubby wants to wait so im just kond of anxious and now this, lol im guessing its a wonky test so im going to get a refund. the test line is blue but the control line is not lol
@Kayla im guessing its a wonky test. the new digitals only have 2 lines. 1 control and 1 test. this is invalid because the test line is positive blue but without a control line visible. Im ging to request refund. they need to pull these new digitals off the shelves lol
@Kayla Wow, thats really interesting and thats the exact test that i took! my dye is still on the pad only a little made it to the test. so the bkue is light. but wow.. how interesting.. im only 10dpo so cant be dye stealer but possibly if only a small portion of the dye came to the test then a poaitive would steal the little that did cross over. i stopped urinating as soon as it turned red light so idk it should have been enough uring to push all the dye but it did not
Maybe these are just one line!? I’m not sure!! I used stop light at 7dpo and negative and 8dpo was positive. Keep testing for sure!! Now i wish i broke both open to compare. Baby dust to you either way :)
It’s a negative result by looks of it , are you late by any chance ? I had a negative test then the next morning positive !