I hate drinking water as an adult, I add Gatorade powder to mine, just enough to give it some flavor
@Tessa thanks girlie yes I do that trick from time to time. I gave him a lot of watermelon 🍉 when it was Summer time and watermelon was available more then… well in season. So I made him eat his water only way he would. But now off season I got to find more options. But, yes thank you.
I’ve set an alarm every hour on Alexa to remind us to drink water and when that reminder comes on, we rush to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Make it a race of sorts and my boy drinks atleast 5 sips to a glass of water every hour.
@Shru Actually very crafty 😂
I give him water with a bit of fresh orange juice. It's also good for a vitamin C intake and doesn't have sugar
@Shru that's an awesome idea, my son might be too young for this but will definitely try when he's older
@Elisabeta Furtuna just a heads up orange juice is full of sugar, great for vit c but it definitely contains sugar
@Sophie I know, I squeeze it myself from fresh oranges
@Elisabeta Furtuna ahh okay, it's just above you said it doesn't contain sugar. I must have just misunderstood what you meant, sorry.
Letting them drink out of your waterbottle (it’s super gross but effective lol) and cold water. Showing you (and your partner if you have one) drink water I think helps a lot!
Put lemon or fresh fruit into an ice cube tray and let it freeze, then put some into a glass with water. My toddler thinks it's cool. 🤣🤣
@Janni ❤️ Beautiful idea; thank you Janni.. I’ll have to give it a try and see if this will work with my little man.
A splash of flavored pedialyte in the water. My son thinks it’s juice!! And just a splash, I’m aware large amount consistently isn’t ideal but just enough to make them think it’s not just water