Formula is more filling than whole milk and one year olds typically need less to sustain them at this age. Therefore they’re likely to eat less if they’re filling up on formula. I wouldn’t be too concerned but you may wish to start transitioning as most nutrients should start to come from food. We gradually swapped 1ounce at a time in his morning and evening bottles before doing the same to his afternoon bottle. Consequently we did see him eating more at meals (although he had a couple of weeks where he just wasn’t fussed). He did begin to wake a bit more at night during the transition so we had a 3.5oz top up formula bottle while he got used to taking his food intake in the daytime but he got there. They may be fussy but all you can do is offer the food, it’s up to them whether they take it… but if you have any concerns then speak to your GP 🤍 x
We have a dietician due to a milk allergy and he’s still on formula. He didn’t start eating till he was about 13/14 months old. They said just start reducing his bottles in a day like an oz at a time to make him a little bit more hungry to eat proper food but they’re not worried
I'm doing the same! When I've tried to reduce, he just wanted more milk in the night, and it hasn't increased his desire for food. I am, however, offering snacks more, and he's a lot happier to eat if he's not in his highchair!