I take a thermos of boiled water to bed (cooled to 70c before filling) then make the bottles bedside and just stick them in a jug of cold water for a couple mins.
@Isa warming them up is so much quicker than making a fresh one especially when the baby is screaming I just want to make it as quick as possible!! Can I ask how you make the bottles.. do you let them cool down before putting them in the fridge or straight into the fridge once they are made? Im going to pre make a few for the night feeds tonight 🙂
I think the advice is to cool them completely and then put them in the fridge but to be honest I sometimes just put them straight if I don't have the time x
We brought the tommee tippee portable bottle warmer, an absolute life saver! Although my HV was totally against us doing the fridge method despite the NHS guidelines 🤔
24 hours in fridge so we make up all her formula and she has it cold as I can’t be dealing with stressing about warming it when screaming :(
Actually NHS states you can pre make them and keep them in the fridge for 24 hours.. of course freshly made is always best but we have to face the practicalities of our world :) I have been doing this for my previous child and at the start for this one and had no problems.. warming them up takes some time too but never as much as making a fresh bottle