CMPA or ...?
My baby just turned 5 months old. She was EBF until the beginning of October when I went back to work and then formula was introduced. At the same time she had her 3rd lot of jabs and ever since she's been unwell. I thought it was the jabs but her symptoms don't seem to be subsiding (diarrhoea, sweats, flu symptoms, crying) She saw the GP just over a week ago because she was having very mucusy poops with strings of blood in. He didn't seem overly concerned and said she probably caught a virus after the jabs. We're now entering week 4 and there is no improvement. Although there is very little in this photo, this is the second episode of bits of blood in poop. Do you think this could be CMPA? Or just simply a virus? My older daughter had CMPA but symptoms were very bad and she was hospitalised so I'm unsure 🤷
Yes looks like CMPA xxx