@Kira what foods has she tried? i want to attempt more solids but i’m scared and don’t know where to start
@Bianca she has eggs every morning, she has tried chicken nuggets, Mashed potatoes, bananas are also a huge hit! We also have done strawberries and blueberries. If you are nervous I would start by letting her lick whatever you're eating! I get nervous too but I make sure I cut everything up really small
@Kira that gives me hope… I’m going to try to give her licks of our food to see if she gets more into it over time! Thank you for the suggestion :)
@Sofia buendia yum!! I’m going to try those pancakes and see what she thinks! Thank you for sharing :)
@Estefania that’s a really good idea! Thank you!! :)
My baby didn't like foods at first too. She may not be ready but my bf and I let our baby lick all of our food and eventually she started taking bites on her own and now LOVES food!