@Sally she had her tongue tie cut at 4 weeks old but the symptoms are still persistent. I haven’t really noticed a change in her feeding at all since having it cut too. Yeah I’m in that group I’m just waiting for my post to be approved by the admin x
@Ellie-Louise did you get given excercises? It may have relatched it sounds like it to be honest. I’d try go see a private practice if you can! They love to worry us these little babies! That group is fab and Jess will be able to recommend somewhere local to you hopefully xx
@Sally I didn’t even think of it reattaching. No they didn’t give me any exercises. I will look into going private as I do get nowhere with these doctors of mine
@Ellie-Louise yeah a lot of them can reattach if you don’t do exercises, usually they give you them as part of aftercare, I would. We were in the same position with the NHS, I think unless you breastfeed they aren’t interested. And even then the wait lists are crazy. Hope you get sorted I know how stressful it can be! xx
@Sally thank you so much I’m going to look into it now x
100% reflux
What is there latch like on the bottles? My little one was so grizzly until we found the right bottle. We tried mam, lansinoh and tommee tippee and his latch was poor on them all, then we got dr brown narrow and it’s perfect and he’s been a different baby since. He had tongue tie but we only just had it cut this week at 10 weeks. The dr brown bottles changed everything even with a tongue tie x
This has happened to my son and has been going on since birth where can I get his tongue tie checked ??
Have you had your baby checked for tongue tie? All the signs you have mentioned would suggest tongue tie could be the cause. NHS are crap with diagnosing, we went to a private practitioner and it was the best thing we ever did. There’s a group on Facebook called Kendamums, I’d highly recommend joining for great advice x