my little boy was on kendamil and we’ve changed to cow and gate (he’s a month old) we recently just switched and noticed a difference straight away, he was really sick after every bottle, had reflux which has since calmed down loads since the swap, struggled to bring his wind up and was pooing every so many days and was always uncomfortable after a bottle. doctors recommend it and i’m so glad, they said kendamil is such a rich formula it’s harder for babies to digest when they’ve newborns but it’s different for every baby but i’ve been reading so many posts of people’s babies not getting on with kendamil for the same reasons so they swapped
My little boy didn't agree with kendamil and they ran out so i changed him to aptamil (made him really constipatied) so I tried switching back to kendamil and he wouldnt drink it ... hes now on cow and gate colic and constipation and doing much better. Just gotta find the milk that works
We actually changed to kendamil because this formula (and hip organic) are the two formulas that are gentle on baby’s stomach and easier for them to digest, it doesn’t contain half the amount the other formulas do. Having said that every baby is different. Are there any other symptoms? It could be reflux too xx