Same with my LO. He’s always been more of a milk drinker. He’s only now moving onto cows milk at 2, as he refused to drink it. Even if I tried to gradually change it over. He hardly eats much when he’s with me. He’s normally in his chair for around an hour each time to eat but hardly touches it. But apparently when he’s with his dad or others he will eat loads, so it makes me feel like a crappy mum. My 2/2.5 year check is coming up so I will try to talk to her about it
My girl is exactly the same. She lives off milk, porridge, toast, fruit, crackers/crisps, yoghurts, flapjacks. It’s so embarrassing she won’t even eat a chip or a chicken nugget 😓 It’s so bad. She ate everything and loved vegetables , pasta etc until around 1 and suddenly refused everything. I’ve already spoke to HV about it numerous times and got leaflets with advice , all which we follow and nothing helps. Doctor won’t do anything if they are a healthy weight.
@Emily-Rose I’m not sure why she cry’s. I just don’t think she wants to eat. She doesn’t go to nursery so is home with me 24/7 but when she’s looked after by other family members she doesn’t eat either. Unless it’s snacks. She loves snacks!
@Jamie-Lee she dropped milk not long after we swapped to cows milk so she’s not even getting nutrients from that anymore!
@Colette I’d love for mine to eat a chicken nugget! But she won’t go near them 😂 I offer and she very rarely has a bite out of them and says she doesn’t like it. It is embarrassing when we’re out and we offer her food and she refuses. Or like last night she was offered a hot dog at a party and refused it. It’s sad seeing everyone else’s toddlers eating loads and mine isn’t
Why does she cry, is it at the food?? I think my boy is really sensitive to textures and rarely tries anything new and doest eat a lot. Do you know if she eats better at nursery or with someone else looking after her... if you are worried ask your hv and they should advise if you need a gp... its so hard this eating journey 😫 mine went through a phase of asking for cheerios all the time 😫