How old?
@Angie not much just baby food and occasionally some bites of my dinners but he hasn't had any of that the last couple days
@Krista Olson he turned 9 months on the 1st
If your breastfeeding it could be something you ate too. But my daughter is 9m also and her poop looks like that a lot, especially if it’s sweet potatoes. It’s probably just still working it’s way out. If you are concerned, definitely ask his doctor.
@Krista Olson he's formula fed but I think I'm gonna message his doctor anyway cause he hasn't been very hungry today. He only ate once between 11 am to 5 pm and even at 5 he wasn't fussing for a bottle but I gave it to him anyway. He usually has 32 oz of bottle and 8 oz of purees plus whatever solids add up if he's getting any and today he's only had 24 oz of bottle and nothing else
Maybe he’s coming down with something? But yeah if I were you, I’d message the doctor just to give me a peace of mind.
are you feeding him solids? then it’s probably his body digesting the food