Also are u waiting until baby is hungry? I give him food only if I feel like he is very hungry otherwise he just plays with it
I did the same thing by introducing sweets before veggies and protein Yes I give her solids every 3-4 hours when she should be getting milk instead, so I have her try to eat solids before giving her milk. Are you giving your baby milk, if so how much? Mine is taking 4 oz of cow milk mixed with 4 oz of water so she can drink water as well.
I only offer milk after he tries or eats a bit of solids he is very milk dependent about 4 bottles a day 8oz
Yep same here she gets so happy seeing a bottle of milk Are you allowed to give 4 bottles of 8oz milk? My pediatrician said only 16 oz a day
I was told 32 oz in a span of 24 hours but i am still trying to wean him off a bit
How much does your baby weigh? Maybe it has to do with their weight? Mine was 20 pounds
Mine also 20lbs
Im going through the same my son already shows me what he likes and what he dislikes honestly its my fault i introduced him to sweet baby food before veggies and such but its all about trying again and again. My son now eats broccoli/ tomatoes/ chicken /fish/ just keep on trying like my mom said babies dont know what they like and just because they seem like they dont like it the first time does not mean u shouldnt keep offering. What i did to stop my son from tossing food was put only a bit of food in the high chair a bit and pieces give her the choice to grab it herself.