I think its normal. Their digestive system is still immature. It should get better in a couple months. When my toddler was a baby, he was like that. It resolved on its own. My 4 months old (july 2) is also like that. So im not worried. I just do a lot of laundry 😒
Try ordering European formula Hipp. Much easier on the stomach
I personally would get a second and maybe even a third opinion my son was born premature july 2 and also has puking problems and he has reflux issues and dosnt projectile vomit i actually dont think he ever has .. just normal looking pukes but also somtimes throws up half a bottle aswell he was given prevacid for his reflux:))
He was born early. Due date was July 24th. He also had PPHN and was on a ventilator with a chest tube and had a feeding tube for 9 days before he started taking a bottle. Not sure if any of that would make a difference. Laundry has become my new favourite chore out of necessity 😂. I’ve gotten really good at washing, drying, folding AND putting it all away in the same day haha so go me! Very aware that it literally, as much as it sucks, could just be a wait it out scenario. But yes, I do think a second opinion might just get rid of that anxiety for me. Because of the PPHN and the NICU stay in the children’s hospital, I think I’m just paranoid and don’t want to make a mountain out of a mole hill. Thank you all though for the replies. It helps with the worrying to get some other perspectives.
Prior to feeding, you can try giving kolik (gripe water). My baby(4mo) used to spit up almost every feeding, but after trying gripe water, it seemed to calm down. My doctor mentioned that as long as the baby doesn’t seem to be in pain from the spit up, your baby is fine. Also, keep baby up straight after feeding for at least 10-15mins and avoid rocking or intense movements that can cause spit ups . Oh and most importantly, wind in between feedings, even if it’s two of three times !
I'm sorry you're going through this. I dont have experience myself, but my younger brother had reflux (his was projectile) as a baby. What my mom said helped was feeding him small amounts every couple hours instead of big feeds, and it would help prevent him from spitting up/puking, and early solid food.