These look ok to me. I feel like those tests aren’t very sensitive compared to others you can buy from boots. Have you bought other brands? I tested when my period was due and the test looked like that first one. I thought I was going crazy. Mine is now a darker line! So I think keep testing every day and you may see an increase x
Yes early detection tests, I will contact docs in the morning to suggest a blood test - it's really hard to wait for my missed period to test as my periods are so irregular... my last cycle was 49 days long 🫣 currently on day 38 of my cycle so period could show when ever at this point xx
It's just frustrating because I'm 13DPO now and I see people post pregnancy tests from 13DPO and they're so clear. I'm currently using the one step early strip tests, would you recommend the boots strips? I will pick some up tomorrow :) I did buy a few clear blue digitalis when I seen the positive 2 days ago but they came back negitive so saving the other clear blues for when and if I get a strong line in the strips. Can you recommend to me what strips to buy from boots? Xx
Have you tried any other brand of test? Those ones are awful and even when I got my 2-3 weeks pregnant on a digital it was still rubbish on those.
Are you using early detention tests? Normally should wait until you have missed your period to test with normal pregnancy tests if your concerned ring your gp see if you can get your bloods tested to check hcg levels hope everything is okay x