Her name is Amanda marks on insta
That's great, thanks @Abigail I'll look her up x
Is your little one still having bottles? Because the first thing she advised was getting rid of all bottles after they’re 12 months x
Technically, yes... he is still breastfeeding morning and night. Did you find stopping the bottles had a big impact? X
Ah well I’m not sure about breastfeeding because I’m pretty sure the consultant still supports/ encourages you to breastfeed if that’s what you want (I only breast fed for the first 3 months so mine had been on formula since then). So for us, yes, huge difference as they were much more interested in their food once they’re belly was t be filled with milk, which made sense. And they weren’t remotely bothered either. She advises getting plenty of dairy in their diet to make up for it, so loads of cheese/ blue milk in cereal/ yoghurts etc x
Thanks @Abigail I really appreciate your response x
What do you mean by support with eating amounts or how they eat? If it helps I breast fed morning and night then dropped the morning feed as she was slow and didn't eat much breakfast before we went out she's now ravenous waking up, as for night we kept on for a good while after but she's now weaned herself off it the past few weeks just refused after my mum put her to bed for us while we went out for a birthday dinner. My little girl was such a fussy eater from the start of weaning and I thought she'd never get it but she's great now. Have you tried feeding off your plate with your spoon etc, taking formality out helped us we had picnics in the lounge, I've given bits to her as she's playing to encourage more food or different ones. We did have a bad night last night with dinner she ate 1 large tomato and yoghurt refused everything else (threw it at the dogs) I'm trying to encourage eating with a spoon but she's much preferring hands still even with baked beans 1 at a time 😂
Hi @Lindsay, thanks for your reply. It's more that my little one won't eat apart from a small selection of foods 😩. Thank you for the suggestions, I do try these, but nothing seems to work. I have booked a Dr's appointment and reached out to a food specialist, so hopefully, they can offer further guidance x
Yes hired a food and sleep consultant just after twins turned 12 months and it was life changing x