what age did you start solids

baby girl is 5 months in a few days, doctor told us we can start solids but i feel like it’s not necessary right now, i feel she’s very content EBF… looking for advice/suggestions/opinions! 🥰
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hey girl i just had my baby boy he's 7 months now, and im not an expert mama but i do know every baby is different, so if you think shes not ready then shes not. mine is barely even starting solids and still isn't mentally ready for it. do what you think is right, its good to listen to the doctor as well, but listen to your baby and yourself. 😇

I think I started my oldest around 5 months and probably pretty similar for my second but you don't have to start yet just negate the doctor said you could. Plenty of people wait until 6 months

I got the ok at 4 months but wanted to wait until 6. Their digestive system is a little more developed at 6 months.

My friend just texted me a video of her 5 month old trying baby food (banana, lemon and vitamin C) and LO did great with it, she loved it.

I started at 4 months but she’s been looking at food since 2 months. She ate half an avocado the first day.

we started at 6m w both of our kids

4.5 months

We started our kids at 6 months, but we started with purees because BLW terrified me😫 Purees get such a bad rap but we used them as a tool to teach our kids how to eat from a spoon and slowly swallow more solid foods. Then we moved up to softer things like scrambled eggs, raspberries, yogurt, etc. But waiting until 6 months and starting with purees made me much more comfortable.

@Sam I've always done purees with my kids too. I make all their baby food myself

Every baby is different but they say to wait until they can fully hold themselves up and show interest (mouthing and watching you eat). My opinion is doctors give you the go ahead early. We did a mixture of BLW and purées. I always gave him a solid option(s) and a puree option at meal times (while I ate) knowing he’d just play with or nibble on the solids and actually eat the purées. He learned to use his spoon pretty early on and loved the independence of utensils. Highly recommend the free solid starts pages for ideas on what solids to try and how to prepare them based on age. It helped me so much.

Totally agree with Amanda! Gross motor-wise they should be able to hold themselves up before you start, so that can be after 6 months too! Another great resource is "101 before 1" is a cook book and resources for feeding for BLW.

When they first start eating it’s more to experience it not to fill up on it. They experiment with taste, textures and smell. It will be a while before food replaces BF So if you have a timeline to quit BF then I would suggest introducing solids for months before you want to quit it. But if you have no timeline and you just wanna BF your baby than just do that!! If you want to wait then at least by like 9 months I personally would start introducing solids. If baby is thriving on breast milk than ride it out as long as you want!! 😌

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