Yes 20 oz between 4 bottles we offer more but that’s all she takes and it’s a struggle to get her to take even that to be honest! Okay well she’s having about that then. Yeah her nappies are still fine also so I’ll try to worry less!
Mines the exact same, are they taking water as well? I think as long as you’re offering water throughout the day to keep them hydrated it is okay. Mine doesn’t take more then 2 bottles in the day anymore but absolutely loves food so I’m guessing it’s because he’s filling up on actual food and water now x
@Shauna yes she has like 3oz of water offered throughout the day and has it all! Yeah I feel like she eats most of the food offered to her so maybe she’s just getting full on that but I never know if the portion that she eats is enough food but I mean she wouldn’t eat anymore so!
Yeah it’s okay hun I was worried about this with my LO and my health visitor said as long as he is getting 21oz in a 24 hour period then it’s absolutely fine. My little one has also dropped his 4pm feed and has his meal instead because he was getting so upset when I tried to give him a bottle and refused xx
@Amy my little girl is the same she gets so upset and irritated when I try to offer the bottle it’s like she doesn’t want it at all. Feels like a battle to get her to have enough
@Georgia honestly I wouldn’t worry to much, as long as she is getting some throughout the day and still having wet nappies then she will be okay, try giving her snacks and then try again with a bottle. Does your little wake up in the night for milk too? Xx
@Amy no she never wakes for milk she sleeps through!
Do you mean 20oz of breast milk plus four bottles or 20oz spread out between 4 bottles ?? (Sorry I have baby brain still🥴) the guidance between 7-9 months is 600ml with three meals obviously every baby is different so some will have more and some will have a little less. Just keep an eye on wet nappies etc xx