I drank coffee with my son and my current pregnancy. Both IVF. I just do a lighter strength and I only drink one cup a day
@Rachel thank you 💗
@Jane sometimes people say coffee is not good for fertility and being in my 30s now.. i want to limit any disablers
I dropped down to 1 cup while I was TTC after my miscarriage. 2 weeks from delivery now and I’m still on one cup a day
Everyone is different. You will get very different opinions on here since you are asking for one. I gave you mine and my experience. You have to make a decision for yourself as you are the only that knows your body. Ask your doctor..do your research and choose your path wether to drink it or not
@Bri congratulations 🥳 all the best love!
@Jane definitely but if there were many comments about it making a difference id definitely give it a try.
I went through a total of 6.5 years of fertility treatment to have my children, I just cut caffeine down so would have my daily regular coffee and the rest of the day would be decaff and began taking follic acid. Sending lots of baby dust your way ❤️