Following as im also planning to formula feed 😊
All formula has to be of a certain standard so it’ll be the same if you buy a £5 pot or a £15 pot.. there are additional vitamins etc added with different brands, but don’t be to hasty in buying bulk loads as your baby may not get on with it/like it etc. we moved to Kendamill for when I stopped BF and my little girl loved it x
I used sma with my first but he had reflux so swapped to aptamil. My second baby born in January I went to cow and gate. And when my next baby is due in April I will be using cow and gate again. I buy the boxes because they’re more cost efficient than the tubs x
Kendamil and hipp organic
Formula it’s kind of a ‘which suits baby best’ as some have issues with different ones. Both my boys had SMA so will probably go with the same with baby girl providing there’s no issues. I’ve been trying to cost up the prices (Amazon subscribe and save, Amazon bulk buys, Costco, supermarkets etc) So far SMA is coming in cheaper than Aptimil. Know there’s been some supply issues with Kendamil so haven’t really looked at that as don’t want to have any issue sourcing it when needed
@Amy thanks for being so helpful 🩷 I have also heard about the Kendamil stock problems - sounds stressful!
We used cow and gate alongside breastfeeding and will likely do the same again. As was mentioned above formula is very highly regulated in the UK so majority of the ingredients are the same no matter what brand and may also be made in same place but put in different boxes. It is worth seeing how baby gets on with whichever one you choose.
I'm in the same boat and also have this question! Following 😊