@Vanesa she’s only on 16ox a day one morning one pm
If she’s not eating solids she needs more milk,my girl is still on 5 bottles a day (7oz per bottle) and 2 meals, I tried dropping a bottle to introduce a 3rd meal but she’s not interested so I upped her milk back up as it’s better for them to have milk than nothing at all. She needs to stay hydrated too, is she drinking a lot of water a day? X
does she wants more milk if you offer to her? like @Courtney said she need more just to make sure she is getting all nutrients and hydrated herself
I would offer more milk as even if she was on 3 meals 16oz a day still isn’t really enough as milk is still their main nutrition, my girls a milk monster but she will naturally drop another bottle when she’s ready, she’s also tiny so not really that keen on solids yet but as long as they’re having enough milk that’s fine x
No she never been that interested in formula to be honest hard enough to get 2 in
She natural dropped the bottles herself she just won’t take them only morning and night
Have you spoken to health visitor about this? Along with 3 meals, babies should still be having 27oz of formula a day and water with every meal
@Courtney yes she drinks loads of water she’s good with that, but she won’t have more milk we tried she naturally dropped them herself
But she won’t have solids? They usually drop milk and replace with solids
What kind of solids are you trying? Mine loves to eat herself. I make it a point to try and feed her 5-10 bits of whatever myself and then the rest she eats smushes I don’t need to worry if it’s going in her mouth or not 😂 But she won’t take more than that from me she NEEDS to do it herself. Some days if I’m like I can’t be bothered with you throwing food let me just feed you from a bowl she will cry and cry and not eat so maybe your little one is wanting to be a bit independant and try herself?
Meant to say as well is it just purées or finger food and etc. maybe change it up that way as well x
Mine has really gone off spoon feeding and mostly feeds herself finger foods now
mine is the same but he drinks milk