I sterilise all of my bottles, fill with the amount of boiling water I need and wait for it to cool down to room temperature then just add the powder as and when you need to feed and it’s ready to go. It’s so easy compared to normal formula especially for night feeds and when you’re out and about x
My baby started this on Saturday and will not drink it 😭 even adding it in with her normal milk to try and wean her off it isn’t helping and now she won’t drink her normal milk either. It feels very wrong making it with room temp water but that’s how it has to be done!
@Jade thank you i was thinking this!! could i take the bottle out with the water in and with the forumla in pots?
@Lauryn ive heard this from another mum i know who used it! maybe try a different type of lac free, we havent had any issues personally x
@Sam thank you i just wanted to double check just incase because it felt too easy haha
Yeah I am trying to get her into the gp. Have to call again tomorrow. She has only had 475ml today whereas before we switched she was taking 700-750ml per day and even that is low for her age 😔
@Lauryn I remember when my little girl went on to it.. it smells like cheesy feet 😂, she actually took to it ok but we went on to Neocate quite quickly as it didn’t work for us. I have heard people say about adding vanilla essence (or is it extract, I always get the two confused) to this formula to make it taste better
Yes you should boil the water and let it cool down to room temp before you make the bottles, this formula doesn’t need a hot shot. If you Google it you will be able to see the preparation info on their website or it should say it on the tin