I put my little boy in his cot with some toys and have the door open and have a quick shower. I’ve tried to do it when he’s in bed but he wakes up so I just do it when he’s awake now & I know he’s happy.
I’m not a single mum but I put my LO in the cot with toys and bring the monitor into the bathroom.
I shower when my mum is here, or takes baby out
I have a basket of toys (small basket) in the bathroom and I’ve baby locked the cupboard so he just roams around while I shower 😂 I also barricade the loo brush and bin with the laundry basket 😂
Just pop her in the crib with some toys or books, also if you can pop the Alexa on with relaxing music when they go to sleep it will drown the shower out or have your shower just after you put them to bed they won’t hear it!’
Honestly I shower when he naps, he showers with me, or he’s watching his show on the tv in his bed, with the monitor on xx
As others have said, i put her in her cot with toys and take the monitor in the bathroom with me. If she's a bit fussy, when I'm out, I'll bring her into my bedroom and she'll roam around while i dry my hair/get dressed x
I’m not a single mum but could you put her in her crib with a few toys (obvs that are safe) or get some type of projector for her to look at? Maybe try and time it with her nap?