@Becks it totally makes sense.. my nurse assigned to us keeps pressuring us saying she’s supposed to eat less frequently so I wanted to reach out to fellow mums to see whether there are some strategies. Surprisingly she did 6 hours and 15 min of sleep the other night and on few occasions she did finish 4 oz but those are so so rare, I can’t figure out how she did it in the first place tbh
My first baby (and this one) are like this.. they just like to snack and that's ok! May be slightly annoying as you spend more time feeding but feeding on demand is always best and over time it will get better :) x
My daughter is 6 weeks and she’s drinking between 4-5 oz at a time, only time she goes 4 hours is when she’s out in her pram normally it’s every 2 hours x
Mine was still like this at 6 weeks, now he’s nearly 9 weeks and he’s just gone onto 6oz because he’s a hungry little thing! Feed about every 3 hours in the day and 4 at night but he does take ages to drink a bottle so he’s only ever sleeping for max 3 hours at night still.
@Megan I would recommend sizing up a nipple! I have dr browns bottles and we started using nipple 2 at two weeks tbh and it’s been so great, she doesn’t fall asleep like she used to and she drinks 50-60 ml in about 10 minutes vs about 20/30 like used to Great to hear otherwise that at 9 weeks yours started drinking more and less frequently from what I gathered, gives me hope she will transition to that soon maybe too
Baby will only eat what they want too every baby is different mine just turned 8 weeks and has 4oz every 2-3 hours he won’t eat more I’ve tried lol he still has 2-3hourly wake ups throughout the night for feeds too!🥱 🤦♀️