I had to call to book my lo in to xx
I got my letter on the day of my babies 1st birthday, but it was just to call for an appointment after a certain date. The date of the jabs depends on the date of the last ones. You can always call the doctor and book them in yourself
I got the letter after baby’s birthday. I booked it in myself
I got a text after their 1st birthday and I booked online through a link they gave me
How did your little ones cope with the yearly jabs? I am really dreading it if I’m honest! It’s 4!!😩
We had an appt today for something else and I asked about this, the gp said it's 13 months for the next jabs so I'm going to give it another couple of weeks x
I had to call the docs to book, all I got was a reminder text from nhs to get it booked