The money thing is rubbish but understandable. They have to do their rotas in advance and even if a child is then too unwell to be there for the day those staff will still be working and therefore need to be paid. The medication thing does seem a little OTT but as Hattie said, it's safer for them to cover themselves in case something happens.
Thank you, I do get all that and I do understand I think my main frustration is what I'm suppose to do to be able to work. Which I suppose isn't nursery's fault. I work in a hospital and don't have much childcare options as my family all work. I also phoned to make sure yesterday she could go and nowhere in the policy (theyve provided me with) does it say change from oral to IV. Because if I'd known this I could have had some worning to attempt to find childcare. But to me she had been on it for 3 days and I didn't know any difference as its my first child
Nurseries tend to have blanket policies about medications, illness etc. Generally they say any change in medication (which in small print includes route of same medication) needs to have a wait period, its basically so they can't be blamed if any adverse reaction happens. On a side note, I know a couple of people who have been fine with IV antibiotic but the same one orally has made them really unwell. Its something to do with what they mix it into to make it able to go through the stomach.