Positive membrane sweep stories please?

38+4 4cm 90% effaced Baby is really low and chin is tucked in.
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I had a membrane sweep at 3pm in Triage. Got admitted at 5-ish pm. They broke my water just before 8pm, and delivered my son at 11:57pm. At 39 weeks exactly!

Sweep at 1:30pm admitted and water broken at 7:30pm had baby at 9:04pm I was 3cm dilated at 37 weeks 3 days

My twin had a membrane sweep and the next day she was in labor and delivered her baby boy, everyone was happy and healthy

Sweep at 3pm, only half complete as cervix wasn’t open but at 4am I woke up with cramps and gave birth couple days later! (Had a long labour!)

First baby, had one sweep (unsuccessful) 4cm dilated, fully effaced. Had a second sweep 3 days later, came the next day. Second baby, 3cm dilated, fully effaced, had a sweep, she came early hours the next morning. Both were water births, just gas and air.

At my 41 week appt I was 1 cm dilated, 70% effaced, and baby was at -1 station. Had a membrane sweep done around 11 that morning and by 3 am the following day I was in labor. I got to the hospital at 1 pm and still hadn’t dilated but was completed effaced and baby had moved down to a 0. My daughter was born at 2:02 the next morning!

How long after a sweep do they let you go home?

@Hannah straight after x

Thank you Lauren x It sounds like it worked for a lot of you girls and quite quickly. I'm hoping to try them and not need medical induction methods 🤞🏽

Thank you for the positivity! Labour started 6 hours after sweep. Nearly 10 hours in now.

Congratulations he's handsome 😍 ❤️


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