My little girl won't drink milk from her straw cup either! If I change it from water, she sips and point blank refuses 🤦🏽‍♀️
We are in the same boat- LO is still on 4 bottles a day and 1 in the middle of the night. We offer him food 3x a day but i would say he has literally a couple of spoons but happily eats fruits. I dont have the answer apart from keep trying to- i do the offering food first then milk but doesnt seem to work as he point black refuses food then fights to have his milk.
@CeeCee We offer food first too, but he really has more than a couple of bites
With my eldest at 1 we were struggling and I ended up stopping all daytime bottles of milk except for morning and bedtime. He then increased the amount of food he ate through the day. I know this isn’t for everyone but this is how we got my eldest to start eating more xx
Same as above I had to just drop a bottle in the day and offer snacks instead like crackers and cheese or fruit etc. Then she became hungry enough to eat more because she wasn't filling up on milk
We've just gone from 4 bottles to 3 but increased each bottle by 1oz because she was waking in the night for a feed which she hasn't done for months, the last few days I've increased her food portions so next week I will drop an oz on her bottles.
Do you offer food first or milk first? Offering food first was how we cut down