@EstelleI have been giving ultimatums for a long time. May be I am just being hopeful because my child is involved. I grew up with 2 loving parents and I want that for her But he is just too immature and angry I can’t keep my cool anymore I am scared he’d take my child away from me I had warned him of the finances and the situation very early on. He ignored me. I guess it is my fault for not making my own money. But it makes me so sad that when we should be enjoying our child and our time together, we are just distancing apart. My daughter can sense the stress
Oh girl leave him. Your kid will do amazing with one happy parent on her own, not one miserable parent and one toxic one. Because your child is involved, leave him. For her and for you.
Sounds very toxic. If I were you I'd make it clear your not putting up with this behaviour. Give him an ultimatum and a deadline, if he doesn't make any effort to change, or if he does but doesn't follow through then leave