I have had the same happen to me ! We have reduced the amount at night so it was 5 last week this week it’s 4oz and it seems to be enough but I’m not sure what will happen when we get to 3oz 🙃 wish I had advice xxx
@CeeCee by get her back on track do you mean try and not give the night feeds? She’s definitely hungry for them again the moment which is why I’m not resisting them at all but I feel like at some point she must be eating enough solids again to not need them. I’ve tried to rock her and give her a dummy but it is definitely milk she wants atm. Dreading the HV 12 months appt 🫠 x
@Rebecca how many feeds is your little one wanting on a night xx
@Georgia yes and in trying to give less over night if you can, even 1oz less at a time and seeing if she will take more food or cup of milk during the day. Dont forget you dont have to tell the HV the truth lol 😂
@CeeCee I know I think that’s my plan lol. X
She might just be going through a growth spurt or using them as comfort, its probably just temporary, I probably wouldnt it fight it too much for another week or two and then try and get her back on track